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“God is not an elusive dream or a phantom to chase, but a divine person to know. He does not avoid us, but seeks us. When we seek Him, the contact is instantaneous.”

The God of the universe– the One who created everything and holds it all in His hand– created each of us in His image, to bear His likeness, His imprint. it is only when Christ dwells within our hearts, radiating the pure light of His love through our humanity that we discover who we are and what we were intended to be.

“In the very beginning it was God who formed us by His Word. He made us in His own image. God was spirit and He gave us a spirit so that He could come into us and mingle His own life with our life. ” ~Madame Jeanne Guyon

“Made in His image, we can have real meaning, and we can have real knowledge through what He has communicated to us.” ~Francis Schaeffer

“For in Him all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form, and in Him you have been made complete.” Colossians 2:9 (NASB)

©PortCityPrincess 2008
All Rights Reserved

We made a fun family memory the other night thanks to Sci-Port and Duane “Digger” Carey!!!

We had the BEST time and Digger Carey and his wife were absolutely precious!

Lydia takes advantage of Noah’s love of ice-cream and captures the conversation!

Talking shop.

Mr. Digger sharing the secrets of bodily functions in space!

Lydi-Lou doesn’t want or need help making paper airplanes ANYMORE! She can follow directions all by herself! She’s so BIG!!!


Learning about galaxies.

Making a spiral galaxy.

Learning about galactic bulges.

What fun!

Digger pretending to scribble all over Noah’s back, after signing his NASA hat.

Noah can’t be fooled! 🙂

©PortCityPrincess 2008
All Rights Reserved

My King is on His throne, and perfect love casts out fear. I am not afraid, yet I will fight and be responsible. Resting in Christ is not synonymous with political complacency… or complacency of any sort.

While Charles consistently reads Romans 13 to me, to keep my heart in check (it can be quite funny to see him following me around with his bible, while I’m fuming), we are agreed that when it comes to the government passing out laws and policies that are expressly against the law of God, we will NOT submit. We may have to move, but we will not submit. Of course, with a one world government looming, I’m not sure where we’ll move… perhaps a houseboat. I should start stockpiling Dramamine.

I am not a 9/11 “truther” I confess, I’ve not done the research. I’m not a conspiracy theorist, either. Not in any way, shape, or form. I am a Christian. I am a wife, and a mom. I want to be responsible and diligent. I want to do what I can to keep my children safe and secure. I am happy that God put me in America. I think of something Ayaan Hirsi Ali said, “I know that there are many things wrong with America, and I know there are many things wrong with Americans, but I still believe it’s the best nation in the world.” And I agree… as messed up as America has become, we are still the greatest nation in the world. I am happy, though, that my hope is not in America. My hope is not in Ron Paul and what he can do for America (though he is a practical tool in our call to diligence and good stewardship). My hope is in Christ and His finished work. He is my King and His is my Kingdom. I am an alien… a foreigner, just passing through. But I want to be a good steward with this gift that God has given me.

Oh my!!! In any case, I ramble… all of this to introduce a video. I think it’s worth your nine minutes… not to make you afraid… but to keep you informed and vigilant.

While you’re watching/listening, keep in mind… there are MANY things you probably don’t know much about. For instance… do you know anything about the Merida Initiative? The U.S. is giving $1.4 BILLION… yes… that is with a B… $1.4 BILLION of YOUR tax dollars to MEXICO to secure THEIR southern border. Oh! You didn’t know?!?

For crying out loud, I could rant forever, but I’ve loads to do today… I have other responsibilities! Laundry… reading to babies… etc, etc, etc.

Just watch this video and think… while it’s still legal for you to do so.

I have GOT TO GO!!!
But before I do… think about our good and loving God:

Of Benjamin he said,

“The beloved of the LORD dwells in safety.The High God surrounds him all day long,
and dwells between his shoulders.”

~Deuteronomy 33:12

Pretty hard to be afraid, isn’t it?!?

Okay! I’m really going now! Sorry about the rambling… It’s difficult to write with two adorable munchkins climbing on me and kissing me and begging for me to put together their kites! 🙂

©PortCityPrincess 2008
All Rights Reserved

I did!  It was fairly fast and lots of fun!
I wouldn’t have said I was a “radical libertarian”… but this test is pretty darn accurate!
Feel free to question me! 🙂  I’d LOVE it!

Radical Libertarian
You scored 84% Personal Liberty and 89% Economic Liberty!
A radical libertarian believes in little to no government intervention for both personal and economic matters. A radical libertarian generally believes in one out of these two options: (1) A government that is extremely small and limited to the extent of protecting people’s liberty – this view is known as Minarchism (2) No government at all, in which the private sector takes up all legitimate functions that a government would have – this view is known as Anarcho-Capitalism. Radical Libertarians tend to be strongly opposed to war, police powers, victimless crimes, foreign intervention and what they consider to be a welfare state. Radical Libertarians tend to be inspired by the Austrian school of economics, classical liberalism and 19th century individualist anarchism. Libertarian thought is individualist in nature. They try to protect both personal and economic liberty. Examples of Radical Libertarianism would be Murray Rothbard, H.L. Mencken, Ludwig Von Mises and Lysander Spooner.

This test tracked 2 variables. How the score compared to the other people’s:

Higher than 91% on Personal
Higher than 96% on Economic
Link: The Politics Test
I feel violated!
When we left for church this morning, our Ron Paul sign was prominently displayed in the front yard.
When we came home at about 5.30 this afternoon… it was GONE!!!
Who would DO such a thing?
I know there’s nothing I can do about it, but I’m so angry and irritated, and a bit frightened that someone would STEAL from us and in BROAD DAYLIGHT!!!

I don’t care that it was a Ron Paul sign… What bothers me is that someone WALKED INTO OUR YARD and STOLE something that did not belong to him/her. He/she came onto our private property and STOLE our belongings… our property. The THIEF had no right to do such a thing.

seething and a bit hurt,

©PortCityPrincess 2008
All Rights Reserved

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