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Happily, we proved Monday night that a two-loss SEC team is better than a one-loss (or even an undefeated) team from any other conference. 
It’s ins’t arrogance… it’s statistical fact.
Besides… LSU is MILES ahead of everyone else, anyway!  Les Miles is a gutsy coach!  He’s fun and exciting and he owns the hearts of Tigers everywhere.
We’re going to bawl when he DOES leave (we’re hoping, though, that he never will!) 

STAY, Les!!!  PLEASE!?!  I’m not too proud to beg!  We love you! 

Money might try to persuade you to move… but money can’t make you happy…  and you can’t take it with you!

Aren’t you having FUN here?

Aren’t you ADORED here?

So STAY!  Stay forever!

Our food is better, anyway!

And we SMILE and HUG and KISS in the South.

We’re ALL one big HAPPY family!

Most of those yanks can be so rude!

You KNOW you love us!

Learn from the mistakes of others! ♥

Okay… so… LSU won the BCS Championship… Huzzah!

What else has been going on?

Charles made it home safely Sunday night.  I was SO happy!  I HATE when he’s away.  I don’t sleep AT ALL!!!  I watch the most boring things on television, I read BORING articles/books… NOTHING will get me to sleep.  Everyone suggests I take a pill… but you know how weird I am about that… it just seems AWFUL!  AND I couldn’t possibly, being the only adult here!  What if I took something and my babies needed me in the night, but I was so sound asleep that I didn’t respond!?!  My prohibitive conscience would NEVER let me rest again!  So… I had an entire weekend of no sleep.  I got to study, though, and that was fun!  We discussed “WHERE GOD IS” in Sunday school and it was GREAT!  I forgot the treats, though and James M. LOVES treats!  It was fun, though, because Hayden said, “Awww…  no treats?  But this was one of the best times ever!”  Pretty fun!  So when you see some of our Sunday school kiddos, ask them “WHERE IS GOD?” and if they give you the patent, “He’s EVERYWHERE!” then be sure to report back to me!  I told them NEVER to answer that way again!  God is specific… so WE’LL be specific, too!


What else?!?  Oh!  While Charles was gone, I had great fun texting him!  Gotta love some of this technology!  I can only imagine the smiles on his face when he received my texts!  What fun!  Wives… LOVE your husbands and LET THEM KNOW IT!  Send him notes or texts about the the way he makes you feel!  Send him notes or texts about… *blushing* well… ALL SORTS OF STUFF!  You are MARRIED!  ENJOY IT!  It’s GREAT fun!  Just be prepared to make good on your texts! 


God has given our sweet friends, Michael and Christy a baby!!!
After years of prayer, in His perfect timing, God has given them a son!
I LOVE adoption!
What a picture of God’s redeeming love!

They go get him in Dallas, Monday!
Isn’t he a doll?!?
Carsten!  Don’t you want to just EAT him!?!?
There I go… babies turning me into a cannibal!
Thank God for providing a family for this little man…
And thank Him for blessing Michael and Christy with a child!


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Our new LOVE!
Fisher Price had a BRILLIANT marketing scheme… send a 27 minute episode to families across America just in time to get them hooked before Christmas.
Charles and I watched the dvd, but decided not to show Noah, as bits were pretty intense (and some of the characters were just mean and ugly) and his studious, analytical mind doesn’t do intense.
We LOVED the toys, though, and Lydia gave him Ace and Tiny for his birthday.  They’re very well-made for rambunctious boys… though of course they’re made in China.  DANG IT!

Aunt Carolyn and Uncle Paul gave him Gustus (Jupiter) and his dog, Zip (Mercury), Digger (Mars), Rings (Saturn) and then went out to the car and brought in Professor Darkness (Black Hole) because she COULDN’T save it a moment longer!  Sweet Aunt Carolyn!

Noah LOVES the Planet Heroes!  He and Lydia (okay… I confess, Charles and I, too) play with them for HOURS… making up adventures and vanquishing evil foes, trying to destroy our solar system!

Aunt Carolyn and Uncle Paul gave Dazzle (Venus), Yuri (Uranus), Tune (Neptune), and Shiver (Pluto) to Noah for Christmas.  We gave Noah the Turbo Shuttle with Ace in the orange space suit.

He has them all!  So we thought!
Happily, though (I can’t believe I’m not groaning), Fisher Price has realized their brilliance and has made MORE!
Now there is an Ace in a GREEN suit with a Rocket Go-Kart, Shooting Star, Lunar, Sun Commander, Digger has a rubble rover, and I’m sure they’ll make Red Giant (as he’s in the new comic).

It’s really fun, though!
Noah is drawing his own comic books, now.  That’s fun!
Lydia wants there to be more girl planet heroes.  She thinks they should have long curly hair and wear pink and purple.  She likes Dazzle, but wishes she were more “girlie”.

I left a comment on someone’s blog about it yesterday:

WE WANT MORE!!!We LOVE the Planet Heroes, though my daughter wishes there were more GIRLS and that some of them would have long curly hair and wear pink and purple!Perhaps Ace’s little sister can get involved and fly through space in a Mega-Tutu that Yuri can design for her!

Perhaps you can talk to the powers that be!

Just when I thought we had every planet hero and bad guy under the sun… we discover there are more.

Instead of groaning, my husband and I are in hog heaven!

It is not an unusual sight to see us on the floor with our two, vanquishing one another as we save the solar system.

At the park, we are various planet heroes, soaring through space, even venturing into other galaxies as we chase Red Giant and Professor Darkness…

By the way… we want Planet Heroes T-Shirts!Who do we talk to about that?Fisher Price needs to get on this! We mommas want it!

With the space shuttle retiring and the new Constellation program coming up, NASA and Fisher Price should put their heads together… the UNIVERSE is the limit!
We need more kiddos excited about space and pumped about science! Come on Fisher Price (you know you’re reading this)… force parents to explain black holes, comets, asteroids, stars…! It’s GREAT fun (AND makes you more money! GO CAPITALISM!)

Scintillate, scintillate, asteroid minific;
Feign do I fathom your nature’s specific
Exaltedly set on the aether capacious
A reasonable facsimile of a gem carbonaceous.

Scintillate, scintillate, asteroid minific;
Feign do I fathom your nature’s specific

So… we’ll see!

Charles’ mom (Ginny) had to bring her truck in for a new alternator, so she used Charles’ truck and Charles took my car yesterday.  Instead of taking him to school, so I’d have the car, I thought I’d trap myself at home, so I would be FORCED to fold and put away laundry and tidy!  The house was a WRECK after the LSU game!

Yay, though!  A friend called and whisked us away to the park, where we ALL played Planet Heroes!  Her little man loves them and so does she.  I got to be Professor Darkness!  What a blast!  My throat is still a bit sore, though.  You KNOW I’ve got to get into character and that raspy, wicked voice can do some damage!  When it began to rain… we raced through a meteor shower to the safety of the van… um… I mean Turbo Shuttle! 

I know!  I’ve got the life!  It’s days like this that I remember it really is worth the sacrifice!  A family of four on a Louisiana teachers income shocks many… but wow!  Don’t raise your eyebrows or shake your head in pity!  I get to play Planet Heroes!!!  I get to read books to my kids all day and build satellites and space stations and princess castles and robots!  Of course… there is all of the “un-fun” stuff, too… but let’s not talk about that!  It’s a drag to pick up after everyone every day.  It’s a drag to finish the laundry and the dishes… to have MORE by bedtime.  It’s never-ending and can feel very defeating… and even vacation isn’t a vacation… but honestly, it’s only EVER a drag when I am being SELFISH!  Ugh!  And I HATE being selfish, though I am probably characterized by that very trait!  blah blah blah.

Hmmmm… Oh!

Another fun thing happened yesterday.  I got out of the shower and the phone rang.  I nearly answered in a sultry tone, “Hello, you sexy beast!”  because it was at the precise time that Charles usually calls.  I didn’t, though.  (THANK YOU, Father!)  There are so many times I’ve answered that way or NEARLY answered that way and it was NOT my beloved!!!  I just need to say, “Hello.” or get caller id.  Save some blushing.

ANYWAY… it was Smitty Pignatelli

 (who is related to astronaut Stephanie Wilson– how cool is THAT?!?)!

He called to let me know he put the print in the mail!  Wow!  That was fast and KIND!  He said that he wrote some words to the kiddos, too.  Those of you reading this who know me well, know that I LOVE notes!  Notes are my very favorite things in the whole world!  One word notes… 50 page notes… I LOVE NOTES!!!  So!  I am very excited!  What treasures for the munchkins!  I think I shall probably like the notes better than the prints!  Too bad we’re not closer to Nola.  It would be fun to feed him and his crew and let Noah meet him.  Someday, perhaps.  Noah had just gotten up from a nap and was having a blast, drawing a comic book… aliens and space heroes, of course… and I asked Mr. Pignatelli if he’d like to talk to Noah (most of you know how Noah LOVES to talk on the phone and will talk forever, if given the chance).  Not so yesterday!  Ugh!  He was bouncing on my bed (yes… I still let them jump on my bed… it’s just FUN!) waiting to show me his newest illustration and got on the phone and said, “Hi, thanks.” or something like that and then became an absolute giggle box!  What is a mother to do?  Another time, perhaps.  Noah said that, “Mr. Pignatelli must be cool.  I think I’ll send him a Planet Heroes poster and I’ll write a comic book for him.  I wonder if he plays with the Planet Heroes, too.”  What a hoot.

I’ll let you know when we get our fun goodies!  It’s SO exciting.  We thought we’d put them in the munchkins’ room… but I think we’ll put them in the living room above the chair Noah “launches” from!  Fun! Fun! Fun!

Oh!  Another funny thing… Noah saw Paige and her dad get into a sassy white Mercedes after church Sunday and suddenly, the top began to fly up and then hide away in the back of the car!  Noah FREAKED OUT and though it was the coolest thing EVER!  He’s seen convertibles “already convertibled,” as he says, but has never seen the PROCESS… he LOVED IT:

“Mom… how did she do that magic on her car?”
“It’s called a convertible.”
“Isn’t it?!”
“I want our car to be a convertible.  Who is she in that white?”
“That’s Paige.”
(blissfully) “I love Paige.”


“She must be a cool girl because Mr. Horn is with her.”

(chuckling) “Yep!  She’s Mr. Horn’s daughter.”

“No way!  I didn’t know he has a woman daughter.  I want to know Paige.  I know I love her.”

(laughing) “She knows you, Noah.  She’s known you since you were a baby, but she went off to school, that’s why you don’t remember her.”
“I wonder if her house is a convertible!  That would be so cool!  The space shuttle is like a convertible because the cargo bay doors open.”
“Where was Mrs. Horn?”

“She went in another car.”

“I’m going to have to invent a bigger convertible so the whole family can ride together next time.  That one only had two places for people to ride.  Can you turn on ‘Hark the Herald’, it’s my favorite.”

And THEN… last night… Paige came over and let Noah sit in Mr. Horn’s car and put the top down… He LOVED it!!!  He LOVED watching it go back up, too!
He is absolutely smitten with Paige now and declares that he is going to marry her!  He’s going to invent a convertible house for them to live in and he’s going to make one for Miss Naomi, too! 

Charles said, well… if Paige waits for him… Noah can be HER mid-life crisis.  How funny! 

What a fun life we have!  Laundry, dirty dishes, unfinished projects and all!

I’m a happy, thankful girl! 

Oh! Michelle just brought me Starbucks!  What a love!  I have the best, sweetest friends in the world!

Back to play with my babies!  Can you guess what we will play?

OF COURSE!  We’re the PLANET HEROES… here to save the day and keep our solar system safe!


©PortCityPrincess 2008
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 I’m really excited about our Sunday morning bible study this week!  I’ve been WAITING for this (I know!  Don’t laugh!  I say that every week.)  We get to tell the kids about Mephiboseth, though!  As fun as that is… the best part is that he is only a springboard to dive into CHRIST!!!  I can hardly wait to gush about my God to the kiddos again!!! 

I first heard about Mephiboseth when my dad FORCED me to listen to a tape, many many years ago!  It fell on deaf ears. 

But OH!  When I became a believer!!!  I heard it again and it stole my heart!

Worship your King!
Take the time to listen to a more recent version: Covenant Mercies and Fetching Grace!

Here’s an outline, too!

Saul; the people’s king, had been rejected by God for disobedience and rebellion (I Sam. 15:26); and David, a man after God’s own heart (I Sam. 13:14), now reigned over all Israel. One of David’s first acts as king was to inquire of the house of Saul, “Is there yet any left of the house of Saul, that I might show him kindness for Jonathan’s sake?” Ziba, a former servant of the house of Saul, reported to David that Mephibosheth, son of Jonathan, yet lived and was a cripple, lame on both feet. David sent and fetched Mephibosheth and gave him the estate of Saul with many servants and a place at the king’s table all the days of his life.

This is a beautiful picture of the grace and mercy of God toward unworthy sinners for Christ’s sake, which can be told in SEVEN words.

    1. (Vs. 3) “AND THE KING SAID…”

    Where the word of the king is, there is power, authority, and total sovereignty. There is no council, no conference, and no bargaining here. The king speaks from his sovereign throne, and what he decrees shall be done.

    Our God is infinitely sovereign over all his CREATION. He reigns in total authority in heaven and earth (Psalm 115:1-3; Dan. 4:34-35). Our God is sovereign in PROVIDENCE (I Sam. 2:6-8; Isa. 45:5-7; Isa. 46:9-11) . There may be second and third causes, but God is the first cause of all things (Rom. 8:28; Eph. 1-11).

    Our God is sovereign in SALVATION (Exo. 33:18-19; Rom. 9:15-18; Jonah 2:9).


    The word kindness is MERCY. David, the king, was a man of mercy. The house of Saul was David’s enemy and deserved no mercy nor pity, but David found it in his heart to show mercy to some.

    Our God is holy, righteous, and just; but He is also merciful. He delights to show mercy (Psalm 130:3-7). Adam’s race is a fallen, rebellious race and deserves no mercy. God is not indebted to sinners, but He has determined to show mercy to some (Exo. 33:18-19). The language of religion is merit, rewards, and service; but the language of true redemption is MERCY. “I obtained mercy” (I Tim. 1:13-16). “Lord, be merciful to me, the sinner” (Luke 18:13).

    3. (Vs. 3) “WHICH IS LAME ON HIS FEET.”

    Ziba, the servant of the house of Saul, reported to David that Jonathan had a son called Mephibosheth, who lived in Lodebar and who was now a poor cripple because of a tragic fall when he was young (II Sam. 4:4).

    The word LAME through a fall not only describes Mephibosheth, but it is our condition since the fall of our father, Adam (Rom. 5:12, 17-19; I Cor. 15:21-22; Eph. 2:1-3). All of our faculties were affected by this fall, and in our flesh dwelleth no good (Rom. 3:9-19).


    King David purposed to show mercy to someone of Saul’s house. When he heard that Jonathan had a crippled son in Lodebar, David sent his servant to where Mephibosheth was and fetched him; that is, the servant called and brought him to David.

    The Lord of glory is love, and love must be expressed. The Lord of glory in His sovereign mercy determined to show mercy to a fallen race. He set His love and affection on lame sinners and sent His only begotten Son into the world to be our Saviour (John 3:16-17; Gal. 4:4-5; Rom. 5:6-10). Christ came where we were, became what we are, and by His obedience and death honored the law, satisfied justice, and enabled God to be just and justifier of all who believe (Rom. 3:19-26; I Peter 3:18). He then sent His Holy Spirit to FETCH us, call us, and make us willing to come to Him (Gal. 1:15; Eph. 1:13-14; Psalm 110:3).

    5. (Vs. 7) “AND DAVID SAID FEAR NOT.”

    Mephibosheth was afraid in the presence of the king because he was of the house of the king’s enemy; therefore, he fell on his face before the king and did reverence. David said, “You have no cause to be afraid; I will show you kindness.”

    Men and women who know something of God’s holiness, their own nature and sin, and what the law and justice of the king demand have every reason to be afraid in His presence. God will punish sir,. “The soul that sinneth shall surely die.” “The beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord” (Luke 18:13).


    David said, “I have not fetched you to destroy you; so you need not be afraid. I will surely (certainly) show you mercy for the SAKE of Jonathan, your father, whom I love.” Before Mephibosheth was born, David made a COVENANT with Jonathan, promising to show mercy to Jonathan’s sons because of his love for him (I Sam. 20:11-17).

    Before the foundation of the world, God the Father entered into an everlasting covenant of mercy with the Lord Jesus Christ, giving Him a people out of Adam’s race and making Christ the surety and redeemer of those people (John 6: 37-45; John 10:24-30; John 17:1-3, 9; Eph. 1:3-14; II Thess. 2-13; Heb. 13: 20-21). The mercy and kindness God shows to sinners is because of His love for Christ (Rom. 8:35-39). It is for Christ’s sake (Col. 1:14-18).


    David fulfilled every promise to Mephibosheth, as God will fulfill every promise to His elect in Christ; for none shall ever perish, but shall all be made like Christ and enjoy His presence forever (Rom. 8:33-39).


Dig into all of those Scriptures and find more!  Feast at your King’s table today!  He wants you there, DAILY!!!


©PortCityPrincess 2007
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Exctracurricular Activities with our Sunday school kiddos. (I’m playing photo catch-up). 




My brother, Johnny!  He’s like… a MAN!


My brother, James!






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